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Subject: Excuse me wa ra ba gyud ko ninyo manhilabot no. Was just stating my honest opinion. More reply...

Sue Cabagnot Klein BSN RN
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Date Posted: 18:48:27 10/05/06 Thu
In reply to: Procop Balintong DDS MD JD CPA DVM MPH ug uban pa 's message, "Adi kana luwat nag buka san imong kapa..." on 15:15:07 09/29/06 Fri

Why of all wonders should you pick on me when I was just saying what was on my mind. Living in the land of the free, you should understand that we have the right to say what we want to say kay sa mag plastik plastik pa gyud. That is not my style. Take it or live with it.

On the issue about my being a BSN RN. I am proud of it. If you have it and worked hard for that then you deserve to flaunt it. No malice intended there with adding a hard and well deserved career title to my name. Damn if you have a problem with it, good if you dont.

Also , it is not my habit to give out my email to strangers or people that I dont know very well having had a bad experience with spammers and the likes. I can not imagine other people giving out their private emails to people they barely know. Kung simple nga pangutana tehn, di simple answer unta walay pa strikta strikta kay kana maka high blood.

So what if I am markada sa Ormoc? On the contrary, people there specially those close to me have more respect than people nga abi nimo mga kinsang mga buriton and you know who I am pertaining to. Bato bato sa langit ang tamaan huwag magalit. Markada ko sa Ormoc tungod sa ako achievements and laurels that you dont even know of.

There, I think I said my piece.


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Subject Author Date
REPLYangie02:00:39 10/06/06 Fri

Hilom diha. Tumara imo medicina sa labad sa ulo para ma wala ang haluccinations. (NT)Procop Balintong DDS MD JD CPA DVM MPH ug uban pa15:38:18 10/06/06 Fri

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