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Date Posted: 11:09:53 11/20/06 Mon

Hi! The program outlined looks great. It should be a fun day for everyone. I hope many people are able to come.

Thank you to all the organizers for putting so much effort and time into making this reunion a successful one. Take care.

Hello! It seems you're all busy for the forthcoming grand pearl reunion. I hope it does gonna be a fun filled reunion for all! Regards

Hello Classmates! Please post the contact numbers of our mates organizing the big affair soon so we can get in touch to coordinate developments.

More power to all our mates doing most of the hard work to make this affair possible. God bless us all

Hello Everyone! Nice to hear someone remembered me.
All I can say life after 30 years it's a lot to achieve.
Keep Smiling

Hello! Glad to hear that our classmates in ormoc are trying to shape it up.

Congratulations to all class officers of job well-done.

Thanks to all the donors/contributors on this big occassion.

Gob Bless Us!

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