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Date Posted: 03:35:17 03/18/05 Fri
Author: Cosmo Party
Subject: Original events to meet people

Hi there!
If you would like to meet new people in London, then have a look at the different events we organise; they are all exciting way to socialize!!

18th March: Wine Tasting at the Flame Bar @Infernos, from 7:30PM
Your chance to experience a great Friday night out, meeting people and drinking wine with Grapevine London!
http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=479 or call 0800 1077 898.

Saturday 19th March: Dance Dating, at the Latin Square from 8PM
Dance Dating is a fun way to meet new people and learn to dance.
http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=475 or call 0800 1077 898.

Monday 4th April: Cosmo Match – Speed Dating, at the Amber Bar, from 7PM
Five minutes face-to-face in a cozy bar. That times ten, as Cosmo Party wants you to have ten more chances to find your match.
http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=478 or call 0800 1077 898.

Thursday 7th April: Lock And Key Party, at the Elusive Camel from 7PM
Upon arrival to the party, women are given a lock and the men a key. Then you can start circulating looking for the people who matches your lock or key.
http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=477 or call 0800 1077 898.

15th April: Wine Tasting at the Flame Bar @Infernos, from 7:30PM
Your chance to experience a great Friday night out, meeting people and drinking wine with Grapevine London!
http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=480 or call 0800 1077 898.

Hope to see you there!
Cosmo Party

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