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Date Posted: 06:37:40 04/08/05 Fri
Subject: Fancy to meet new people??

Monday 2nd May: Cosmo Match – Speed Dating, at the Amber Bar from 7pm, London
Age Group: 25-39

One of our friendly hosts will greet you at the Amber Bar between 7pm and 7.30pm; you'll receive some quirky, fun ice-breaker questions to ask each other to help break the ice. Each of you will automatically be entered into a free champagne draw, with the lucky winner announced at the end of the night! Then you'll have the opportunity to meet at least 15 people from the opposite sex each for 5 minutes. It will be held in a relaxed atmosphere with breaks to relax and chat informally to people.

Your package includes the entrance fee, 2 saving certificates for an upcoming event, a bunch of icebreakers and entrance into a competition to win a free bottle of champagne, the greatest people in town!

Price: 18 pounds, book your tickets on http://www.cosmoparty.com/signup/index.php?code=&id_soiree=484 or by phone 080 0107 7898.

Venue: Amber Bar
6 Poland Street
Soho & Leicester Square - W1F 8AA London
Subway Stops : Oxford Circus

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