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Subject: using flirt pole

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Date Posted: 10:22:31 10/13/07 Sat

taken from longwoods dicussion board

It's best to gradually work your dog a little more each time, in gradual steps. He will become more efficient at catching the hide,and you will become more proficient at keeping it away from him.

So with this in mind, if this is your first time using the flirt pole please stay away from making your dog jump high, as he could injure himself if not done properly.

OK the way to use a pole. First get him excited about it with your voice when you take it out for him to play with, dance it around him wiggle it, shake it, all the while getting him excited with what ever words you use.

When your are in position let the hide touch the ground a little then whip it away from him just out of his reach low to the ground, this will help him maximize his leverage when the hide suddenly changes position, let him charge it as you swing it away from him, just as he is ready to catch it, pop it up a little just over his head, and swing it in the opposite direction, also do the same in a figure eight motion.

You can also do a couple of complete circles, but not to many as this will make the dog dizzy.

Jumping- Do this gradually also, start out easy. Pups will learn to jump and keep their balance eventually, but start them out low as they may land wrong and injure themselves. Once they show more balance then go little higher, my oldest dog twist in mid air then lands on all fours just like you see with those Frisbee dogs, so will most dogs eventually, be patient. Hang hide in front of him make him lean forward so his balance is right, then when he leaps forward move the hide back so he jumps forward, this will teach him balance and give him a feel for jumping up and landing on all fours while trying to snatch something out of mid air, if he does catch it praise him.

When my dogs catch the hide, I let them pull me forward a few yards so they get a good hind end work out, as well as have to breath with their mouth holding on to something, the way a catch dog would try to if he had a hogs ear in his mouth. I do so without bending pole, but rather hold the pole in a position so the direct tension is on the rope, pole would be horizontal to dogs mouth, with rope taking all the tension while you hold on to the grip.

Shake and hold-If you have a puppy that is starting out or older dog, when he catches the hide and shakes it, praise him and encourage him to do this more, some dogs are a natural and some can to be taught this, use a command then praise him in a excited voice or use a command such as "SHAKE IT" "SHAKE IT" or "ACTION" "ACTION" so they associate a word with the action.

>Incorporate it with other exercises<
I like to tease my dog when I walk him, I will hang the hide right in his face, I let him chase the pole around for awhile and when he catches the hide I play the wait game, I sit there for twenty minutes at a time with him holding that hide in his mouth, to me this is a good sign when a dog is well-worn and still wont let go of that hide, its a great work out for your dog. This can also be done after hand walking, bicycle sprints, or whatever routine you use.

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