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Subject: Blog from www.myspace.com/mikeleebeasley Re: The Exploited

Mike Lee
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Date Posted: 23:48:32 10/17/05 Mon

So there I am, at the Texas Tea House, waiting for Rachel Loy to go on stage when I realize, I have :30 to kill. I decide to walk out side for some fresh air and see a row of punk kids sitting on the curb across the street. WTF punk kids in Deep Ellum? Did I time warp back to 1983? NO! Apparantly, and Thank God! the punk scene is back! There it is...across from the TX Tea House, on Commerce, in the far corner of Deep Ellum, hidden behind the old Crescent City Cafe...The Red Blood Club. I had to walk across. Being sort of a "square" now, out of the punk style since my little band broke up, I hoped my bright yellow Miller Highlife shirt wouldn't attract too much attention. I was surrounded. 100 leather-clad punk kids with mohawks of various colors and styles dripping with chains and spiked studs waiting for...the band. The Exploited. Yes thats right...the Sex and Violence/Oi Oi Oi real live punk legands. Wow. Mike and Big Mike out did themselves...and the 100 anxious, angry, aingst-ridden, mostly highschool aged "circle pit" warriors with their last $12 to blow did their part too.

I am a Red Blood Club member for life.

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Re: Blog from www.myspace.com/mikeleebeasley Re: The ExploitedMouse Ramone19:54:48 10/31/05 Mon

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