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Subject: Re: Red Blood Club

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Date Posted: 12:35:05 11/02/05 Wed
In reply to: Punk Rock's Dead 's message, "Red Blood Club" on 00:28:37 05/18/05 Wed

>Being an old school punker from so cal, I decided to
>get my punk rock fix at RBC while visiting Dallas.
>Man, all you kids are killing punk rock. You all
>dress up at hot topic and the girls get their hair cut
>and dyed perfectly. Punk rockers don't spend hundreds
>of dollars on clothing and hair cuts. What happened
>to wearing beat to shit work shirts and leather
>jackets and dying your hair at home with cheap ass
>hair dye. Don't any of you kids have jobs. Stop
>listening to crappy band like the Casualties and
>Anti-Flag and go pick up a Circle Jerks, Adolescents,
>Flag, Dead Kennedys, Verbal Abuse (they kicked ass, as
>usual), GBH, Bad Religion (Suffer), Agent Orange,
>TSOL, or any other band of that nature. Stop dressing
>up and playing punk rocker at the mall. You're so
>anti-capitalist by participating in mass consumerism.
>Look forward to reading your defenses poseurs.

Wow, I spit in your general direction. You obviously base a lot of your opinion of punk rock on Fashion. Wake up kids, you don't have to dress/look a certain way to be involved with the scene. Get your head out of your ass and realize that Punk is about MUSIC. Not how much trashier you can look than the person next to you. God, the world sure is infested with morons these days. Some people shouldn't breed.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Red Blood ClubHellen22:45:54 12/26/05 Mon
    Re: Red Blood ClubHellen22:47:09 12/26/05 Mon

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