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Subject: Re: Red Blood Club

Mr. Pissing On your parade...
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Date Posted: 12:28:04 05/18/05 Wed
In reply to: Punk Rock's Dead 's message, "Red Blood Club" on 00:28:37 05/18/05 Wed

Somebody get GRANDPA another one of his pills...he is ranting again.

You sound like a hippie with all you crying over fashion and consumerism. And exactly who appointed you the pope of what is and what isn't punk rock???

"Don't any of you kids have jobs."

Yup pretty much says it all...

You can continue to live in 1982, you remember 1982...it's where you left most of your hair, some of your teeth, and the last shreds of your dignity.

"Verbal Abuse (they kicked ass, as usual)"

Yeah when you release one album 23 years ago and tour constantly for it you tend to learn the songs pretty good.

Just remember back in the day when you were stepping over wooly mammoth carcasses and side stepping brontosaurus shit to go to a show...some STOOGES fan was pointing at you and laughing at how retarded you looked as well.

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Subject Author Date
oh my god you are lamePaulie Pipes08:12:07 06/02/05 Thu
    Re: oh my god you are lameAaron20:11:42 06/05/05 Sun

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