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Subject: Re: Red Blood Club

Mouse Ramone
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Date Posted: 20:55:08 06/30/05 Thu
In reply to: Punk Rock's Dead 's message, "Red Blood Club" on 00:28:37 05/18/05 Wed

To the Artist formaly known as "Punk Rock is Dead", I'm much older than you and remember when the Sex Pistols came thru dallas and played at the longhorn ballroom with the Nervebreakers, but so what. Who cares if these kids get there hair dye from sally beauty supply and they go to Hot Topic to buy there stuff.Does it matter or make a difference in my life, NO. Look some one got you into the scene once when you were wearing parachute pants and listening to Micheal Jackson and El Debarge records, so don't diss these kids. It dosen't matter what they look like or what they dress like, all that matters is that they are unified into the same thing that drove us to this point and that is the music. Music is what bonds all of us punks together young and old. So lay off of the kids, they are only doing what they know how to do. Keep punk alive in 05'. Gabba Gabba Hey! Mouse Ramone

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Re: Red Blood ClubHahaha17:50:13 07/05/05 Tue

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