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Subject: Re: Advertising

Mouse Ramone
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Date Posted: 20:02:28 07/07/05 Thu
In reply to: Marketing agent 's message, "Re: Is RBC in danger of closing ??" on 17:57:52 07/05/05 Tue

In regards to the question on advertising. It cost $300.00 a week to put a small ad in the observer. Now if you want to pony up the money for advertising, then I'm sure Mike would be glad to put an ad in the Obserder. Otherwise I think his money would be best spent on keeping a DIY club open for all of you snot nosed little kids who give him no appreciation or thanks for doing shows there at his club. He is not doing punk shows for his benafit, he keeps the club open so you kids will have a place to see some great shows that would never have come thru dallas, because you would not have paid $17.50 for a ticket to see MDC and Verbal Abuse at Trees or Gypsy Tea room, if those venues would have even pick up the shows. And the Mad Sin show you speak of would have never come thru dallas, because No club would have taken such a loss on bar sales on a weekend for a possible 50 people turn out.So be lucky you have such a club to go see shows. My advice is that you start a zine up of different bands in the dallas area with show dates of all of the cool shows in dallas and fort worth and go distribute them at clubs , shows , record stores, etc.You all have computers start something up, be a part of the solution instead of the problem. When I was young we had a zine distributed by punks for punks called the dallas scene, it was written on notebook paper and a sharpie maybe a pic or two and then we found a copier and ran off about 100 pages each and then went to Bill's records and passed them out. The night NOFX showed up to the Twillite Room, when they were a 3 peice band, and it was closed, Me and a couple of friends were skating downtown and saw them out by there van looking all sad, so we made up some flyres went and passed them out to people, and they ended up playing on top of the Blue Ramp at bachman lake. So get off yer ass and do something instead of bitching about it. Sorry for the rant. Gabba Gabba Hey! Mouse Ramone

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Re: AdvertisingSpazzy Misled17:56:48 07/10/05 Sun

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