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Date Posted: 13:42:08 08/29/08 Fri
Author: Magpie 4 Ever
Subject: Re: Absent manager
In reply to: Mike OHara 's message, "Re: Absent manager" on 02:22:34 08/29/08 Fri

Totally agree with you Mike. There are two main reasons why these guys (stewards) are no longer seen around the club.
Firstly it is because they were shown a total lack of respect by Mr Miller and co who expecxted them to turn up on matchdays and then could not even be bothered to acknowledge their contribution. Some of these guys had been supporters and much more for many, many years and had given up hours of there own time so that they could serve the club in various capacities to enable the club to function on match days.
Secondly they got completely fed up having to manage a small number of so called supporters who in my mind the club could do without. Quite honestly the obscence and abusive actions of this minority is an embarrassment to the usually fair majority of Magpies supporters and it should not be the responsibility of match day stewards to manage these people.

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