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Date Posted: 03:35:14 10/21/08 Tue
Author: brian mcintyre
Subject: Re: Wimborne defeat
In reply to: Wimborne Fan 's message, "Re: Wimborne defeat" on 03:02:49 10/20/08 Mon

People who make their comments on Pitchside forum concerning Wimborne Town, the majority are passionate about their team and want them to succeed, as I do. The word on the street for the past week has been that Mark Morris will be taking over the Managership at the end of the month, which now appears to be correct with the article from Pitchside. As a spectator at VT, I and many other Wimborne fans were astounded at the starting line up, with on the bench, Percival/Jones/Whitcher and Warren/Town. With a midfield of Stockoe/Green/Cann, it became quite obvious early on that with no ball winners or responsible players to pick up attacking VT players, a hiding was on the cards. It could have been 8-2 from a team whose off the ball running was excellent. Smith was outstanding at left back, never shirked his responsibility against a very good winger, (with his pace, why do they not play him at left midfield) and Roast/James/Philipson-Masters also gave their all.

Rod (who ever he is) recently said on Pitchside, they had beaten poor sides in their recent run, but that was not their fault, which he was spot on. The Management team of Warren/Batchelor have yet to beat a top six side in the Wessex League since their appointment and they just scraped through a poor Moneyfield side in the League Cup last season after again beating non top ten poor sides in the rounds.

The Board of Directors now know that they made a big mistake by not giving the last vacancy to Ritchie of Afc Totten (look how he has done this season). We can not win the Wessex League this season, as I suggested at the end of last season, so a change is necessary, particularly with Warren's current personal problems and again the talk at VT amongst the Wimborne fans was that this was his last game. With Batchelor taking 90% responsibility of the coaching and statements on Pitchside and the Daily Echo that he takes it seriously, he should immediately resign as soon as the new man is in charge as I doubt whether the Board will ask him to give up his coaching responsibilities, with his involement at the Club? The new Manager will take over a squad, with the right direction could go far in the FA Vase this season and give the faithful Wimborne fans something to cheer about.

As for Simon Hedges, do you have an opinion as I would like to hear it?

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