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Subject: Re: Bid is sitting at $2,000 from Shandi!

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Date Posted: 20:58:51 05/23/06 Tue
In reply to: Eli 's message, "Breeding For AUCTION to the Black Polish Arabian Stallion Tancred (more inside)" on 16:17:56 05/17/06 Wed


>This is a once in a lifetime chance. Tancred is an
>amazing 17yr old Black Polish Arabian Stallion. He was
>just retired this month, may, with 302 points. He has
>won 5 championships and has earned the Honor Of
>Achievement for reaching over 300 points. Tancred is
>trained in Halter and Longe. He currently has 3 foals
>with a maximum of 5 to be bred. This is your only
>chance to get a breeding to him.
>He is currently the #3 arabian stallion on EC by means
>of points.
>I'm auctioning ONE breeding to this superb stallion.
>The bidding starts at $800 and each new bid must be
>$100+ over the old bid.
>If you win this breeding you have until October to use
>it since he will be permantly retired and leaving EC
>at age 23 in November. Here is a link to his page:
> rel=nofollow target=_blank >href="http://www.angelfire.com/blog/ppf/H/Tancred.html"
>Good luck to all who bid. All bids are finally and I
>will not refund your money if you chose to not use the
>breeding. The reason I have decided to do this is
>because I want the person to truly want the breeding
>and not cause it to go to waste. It is honestly for
>the good of the bidder so think twice before bidding.
>Bidding ends May 31st at Midnight. This way you have
>plenty of time to search for high quality pictures.

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Subject Author Date
BIDErika13:38:19 05/25/06 Thu
    Re: BIDShandi16:37:16 05/25/06 Thu

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