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Date Posted: 14:34:41 03/21/05 Mon
Author: Peggy Cochran
Subject: Pageant Judge

I am the mother of 2 girls ages 22 and 24 who are no longer in the pageant/talent loop, however I have experienced all aspects of pageantry and talent that any mother could possibly do.
I did pageants as a child (Our Little Miss) and as a teen and continued the path with my girls which led us to many national titles where the won over 30,000.000 in scholarship money.
We traveled the beaten path to dance class mostly 4 nights a week for many years where we ended up on Star Seacrch and Sabado Gigante just to mention a few.
I have had experience on both sides of the fence as a contestants and as a judge.
I am a former hairdresser and have taught numerous modeling classes as well.
I also ran a local pageant for @ 10 years.
I really enjoy the pageants and talent competitions and am saddened to not be involved anymore----Give me some granddaughters (lol)

Anyway-thanks for reading and if I can be of assistance to your upcoming pageant--give me a call.
Keep on smiling,

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