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Date Posted: 10:43:18 07/10/09 Fri

Don't Miss Out On The Discounts!!

East Ridge Community Center
East Ridge, Tennessee
Registration: 12 Noon, Pageant: 1:00 PM

Girls Age Divisions: 0-11 months, 12-23 months, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 6-7 years, 8-10 years,
11-13 years, 14-17 years, 18-up

Boys Age Divisions: 0-12 months, 13-23 months, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 6-up
(Must have 2 or more per age group or will be combined) Siblings are enter one full price, second child is free

Free Ultimate Grand Supreme: There will be three grand supreme. 0-3 Girls and all boys, 4-7 girls, and 8-up girls. Each winner will receive a satin sash, crown, gift, and cash award (must have 30 or more contestants to give cash prizes)

Optional Mini Supreme: There will be three mini supreme. 0-3 Girls and all boys, 4-7 girls, and 8-up girls

Free Overall Most Beautiful/Handsome:There will be Four Optional winners for this category. 0-3 Girls, all boys, 4-7 girls, and 8-up girls

Optional Overall Photogenic and Portfolio: There will be three Optional winners for this category. 0-3 Girls and all boys, 4-7 girls, and 8-up girls. These are two separate titles

Age Division King/Queen: There will be a king and queen in every age division. The winner will receive a satin sash, crown, and a gift

Optional Winners: This includes most beautiful/ handsome, portfolio, photogenic, Eyes, Hair, smile, and best dressed for each age category will receive a banner and gift.

Entries received by July 15, 2009 receive all items for $125 which is a $55 discount.
Entries Received by August 1, 2009 receive all items for $150 which is a $30 discount.
Entries must be received by August 15, 2009 to receive all items for $180.

Web site: http://heathermcgrath001.webs.com
Get Your Paperwork Today!

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