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Subject: Cruise, Cruise, Cruise, WOW!!

The Taylors
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Date Posted: 13:45:50 03/22/05 Tue

Well where do we start! That was the best vacation ever! So relaxing!
Our first day on the boat was spent swimming and eating!!!! We saw the opening night show! Those dancers and singers were great! And we all made it to the midnight buffet! Anastasia met Dario from monaco! He was her head waiter and treated her like Gold all week! He was so sweet to her.
Then the second day was Nassau! What a beach. We got an umbrella and relaxed on the beach! We had fun getting sea shells and being carried by the tremedous waves! We made a sand castle and even got a Taxi ride on a bridge! That night was formal night dinner! WOW Those crowns shined! What fun to have cruise passangers taking photos of our celebrities! Dinner was yummy yummy!
The third day was Coco Cay! Wow what a beautiful beach! It was breath taking! Anastasia got a little red in the sun! And even got her food attacked by seagulls! We took pictures under water and even had an awesome BBQ! The girls did family Karaoke!! They sang so sweet! That night was the chocolate buffet! WOW WOW WOW! I am still stuffed thinking about it!
The fourth day was Key West!!! We had a great time shopping and walking around the city! But we had to get to the boat fast because a storm was coming in. And it rained and rocked the boat all night! We had fun watching Clarence on stage singing at the Final night show! Then it was bed time for a long trip home!
The last day we had Breakfast on the ship and headed to the airport! At 10:20pm our trip came to an end and we came back home in AZ!
I can not Thank KIDS USA enough for such an awesome time! It was such a wonderful peaceful experience and I wish we were still there! I would have loved to have stayed longer!!!! We are doing a royal Carr. Trip next year for sure with our family! They were so nice!
I have to give a special thank You to Chad! Wow you are such a great helper! You have my thanks for endulging anastasia! She was so happy to see you all the time and says she is going to see you soon at the next prelim!
Anastasia had a blast hanging out with alll her Kids USA Sisters and especially Mariah and Alyssa! You two girls are sweet and you both sang very beautiful at karaoke!

See you all at the Easter Prelim!! It will be fun and our pictures will be ready by then!!! Anyone want copies please email me at loritaylor@earthlink.net

Thanks Again for the slumber Party Miss Joni!!!!

Lori and Anastasia
"Tanned Taylors"


Anastasia Taylor
2004-2005 AZ State Ambassador
Josephine Taylor
2004-2005 National Overall Baby
2004-2005 National Baby Photogenic
Proud Parents Lori and Scott Taylor

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Subject Author Date
Re: Cruise, Cruise, Cruise, WOW!!Clarence13:47:10 03/22/05 Tue
Re: Cruise, Cruise, Cruise, WOW!!Stephanie13:48:32 03/22/05 Tue

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