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Subject: THIS IS IT!!! New Englnad Oireachtas begins tomorrow!!!!!!! Helena flys in Saturday. SImone dances SUNDAY, Rosmeary's birthday is Monday!

So much excitement I can;'t STAND IT!!!!!!
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Date Posted: 16:32:25 11/15/07 Thu

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Good luck ladies! And for the rest of you...practice, practice, practice! (NT)One more week!17:56:07 11/15/07 Thu
Simone- you are such a beautiful dancer- I know you are going to dance great! GIve it all you've got and you';; be golden. (NT)Mrs.David18:17:15 11/15/07 Thu
Simone Sunday is YOUR day!!!!You are an amazing dancer Good Luck!!! (NT)The Schneider Girls18:39:09 11/15/07 Thu
good luck simone!!!!!! you are going to do amazing!!!! (NT)love hannnaaaaa<318:56:11 11/15/07 Thu
Simone! You will be fantastic! Good luck and have fun! <3 (NT)Kellyanne19:03:36 11/15/07 Thu
Best of luck to you Simone!! Go for it!! We are all rooting for you!!Daniel and Chris send their hugs too!! (NT)The Tricozzis19:14:54 11/15/07 Thu
Good Luck Simone, Katie & Danielle! (NT)Give it all you have!21:49:37 11/15/07 Thu
Go Simone!!! Looking forward to hearing about your success! (NT)The Fenelon's08:41:58 11/16/07 Fri
You go girl, just do the best you can and you know we are proud of you. Good luck (NT)The Carl's10:25:02 11/16/07 Fri
Simone...Go For IT!!!!We know you will do fantastically (NT)Emma & fam14:42:50 11/16/07 Fri
Yeah Simone,Katie & Danielle (NT)Good Luck19:46:49 11/16/07 Fri
Simone we just can't stop thinking about you and all you are going to achieve this weekend!!! Enjoy, have fun and dance like you have never danced before!!! (NT)Michaela and mom too!!21:21:27 11/16/07 Fri
GOOD LUCK to Katie, Danielle, and also Simone.We know you will do all of us proud!! (NT)Francis Clan21:30:23 11/16/07 Fri
Katie, Danielle and Simone- Good Luck, we will be thinking about you! (NT)Emma and fam00:25:26 11/17/07 Sat
Simone,Katie & Danielle You are going to do awesome Good Luck!!! (NT)Brittany :-)13:01:36 11/17/07 Sat
someone eles's (hmmmmmmcough cough jeancough cough) birthday friday... (NT)in the know13:05:27 11/17/07 Sat
OMG simone!!!!!! i am wishing you soooooo much luck! dance great like you always do! (NT)meghan19:13:58 11/17/07 Sat

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