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Subject: Re: Lahubun, Nicole

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Date Posted: 21:17:49 01/04/06 Wed
In reply to: Lyndon 's message, "Re: Lahubun, Nicole" on 15:53:11 01/04/06 Wed

>I look forward to our praticing, as long as ou don't
>rehearse with other guys :/

LOL Don't worry. I think you can feel pretty safe that if I waited until my junior year of college to kiss someone, I'm not going to turn into a raving lunatic and just start kissing everybody. lol I'll definately save that for you, Lyndon. lol
>I do worry about Avery, but not as much as mom and dad
>worry about Adrienne. She's gotten a friend from the
>'wrong side' of the law, hopefully she won't do
>anything stupid.

Uh-oh! Why is it that we, women are always attracted to the bad boys? We know they're no good for us! lol I hope she stays safe, too. :/
>No, you and Alia went to the CupaJava-Adrienne wants

Oh, that's right. That was a really cool cafe. :)
>At times it is, but it works-keeps things better
>organized and makes families really think before
>rushing out and buying a new house every other day as
>before-believe me it was a problem. Mom and dad talk
>about how there were so many homes and families kept
>moving in and out in and out in search of the perfect
>one instead of making thier current house a home.

I have a feeling that when our island starts allowing alot more foreigners to come, they'll probably make some laws like that, too. Right now, the population is small and it's not really our style to be in search of bigger and better all the time. But, times are changing.

I found out that you could move to the island if you have a government sponser. If you don't, then you hav eto make an application to our benevolent Peaceful Regency. AT which point, his royal highness, the benevolent Regent, Gift of the Gods, and Ruler of the twelve Territories, will decide, upon hearing your case at court, whether or not to allow you to enter the country. It sounds kind of scary, but it's really not. If you are allowed to move to the island, then you must find a job within the first sim week to show that you intend to contribute to society. This gets rid of the loafers and sims thinking that they'll just move there to retire and enjoy the high life. Within your first human year, you must have built your own hut and have affiliated yourself by marriage or formal adoption with a family on the island. The family must be in good standing with the law. You have to obey all laws and more importantly, loyally obey our benevolent Peaceful Regency in any request he makes of you personally or to the public in general. You will be required to participate in the general consul one sim month per year. (this ensures that everyone is involved in the government and will give you a good understanding of the way our government works--it's pretty fun. I got to do it for a week before I moved, even though I wasn't of age, yet, because I needed to be able to explain it if I was asked, being an exchange student and representing our country like I am.) The last thing is what may be difficult for you, but I will explain it.

You have to attend a local temple every 7th simday and must participate in all high holy day festivities. You don't actually have to adopt our beliefs, though, Lyndon. It's just that the Peaceful Regency believes that a country who worships together will be more unified in obeying the laws and there aren't any problems with inter-cultural battles. It keeps the peace between all 12 islands. And, truthfully, we do have an extremely low crime rate. It's very rare when you hear of a purse snatching and hte first thing anyone thinks is, "It must've been a tourist!", because we just don't do things like that! Anyway, that's what I was told at the consulate. In any case, whether you decide to move to the island or jsut to visit, the Peaceful Regency, His Royal Highness, etc., is very interested in granting you an audience when you come to visit, because he'd like to chat with you about your town. :) This is a very great honor. His Royal Highness doesn't grant an audience to just anyone and when they told me, I nearly fainted in the office! lol

But, that's all a ways off, since I still have two more seasons to go in school. So, think about it and let me know if you are still interested. I have to admit that I had to bite my lip when I was listening to the ambassador just thinking about you in tribal wear...lmao! Oh, I just can't hold it in anymore. I only hope that I'll be able to if I ever see you in traditional Sokitumi garb. lol
>You've been plaguing my dreams-I can't get you out of
>my head :] Guess what? I got a job. I'm a golf caddy
>at the local course.

Thatras! That is wonderful! Yay! You get to be out in the warm sun all day long. How lovely.

It brings in some money, though
>not enough to cover my bills here at the boarding
>home. Maybe Adrienne can share my room and we could
>spilt the bills-or maybe I should try and find a
>roommate before my savings run out-but I'm saving to
>visit you and hopefully move.

Oh, yes, I found out about that, too. You can come to visit anytime! Would you like to come visit me this weekend (ht)? Then you can watch me DJ at that club. I think it would be so fun. lol Let's see, they gave me a slip of paper with what they need, um, oh, here it is:

Ok, so you'll stay in a guest cottage. It's this boarding house that the school rents downtown for student guests. It's nothing to brag about, but you'd have your own room and meals are included. Plus, it's close to my dorm--Yay! :) lol You have to come on an empty lot, if that's possible. If not, then we will extract you like you had to do to me. Come by email airline if at all possible, rather than by Maxis. If you need to know how to do that, then just have your airport get in touch with ours and they can work out the logistics. I hope that makes sense. lol Oh, and don't worry about $. When the Dean heard that our Peaceful Regent wants to grant an audience to you, he said that he would foot all your expenses this weekend, except for your airfare to Pleasantview. However, your airfare home, will also be covered. Cool, aye? :)
>How was your day?
It was very busy and too long. Now, all I want to do is go back to my room and relax with a good book or maybe a game of chess with Cherry or one of my other dormates. Let me know if you can get time off from work this weekend to come visit. I can't wait to see you again. :)


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Re: Lahubun, NicoleLyndon06:26:58 01/05/06 Thu

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