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Subject: Re: Nicole

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Date Posted: 16:37:55 01/14/06 Sat
In reply to: Lyndon 's message, "Re: Nicole" on 15:01:35 01/14/06 Sat

>I am so relieved that you like the necklace.

I realized, after I saw the necklace that we are soul mates, Lyndo. How could you have so instinctively known that that stone ( I don't know what you call it in your language), habatik, is native to my island? Of course, I will wear it all the time, and I will be wearing it when I get off the plane to see you. lol :)
>I am so thankful that I found you. I actually didn't
>have plans of settling down-I didn't think I could
>find a woman and I didn't want to settle for just any
>sim. I wasn't lucky enough to date in high school or
>college and things never worked out romantically-until
>you came.

That is so funny, because neither did I. I mean, I was courted a little bit in high school, but I wasn't interested in boys at that time. I was really focused on going to university and didn't want to be distracted at all. I had to really prove myself in order to be chosen as the first ever exchange student from the island, you know what I mean? Then, in college, I had crushes, but the boys just weren't interested in me that way. I guess I'm just too different, plus there was always the obvious fact that I'd go back home to the island one day, so probably no one wanted to take a chance to fall in love with me. And, I really was still very focused on my studies, too. As a matter of fact, I was very worried when I started falling in love with you, what that would do to my grades and my future. I just had so much pressure on me to succeed and achieve and be the best in the class. Now, the pressure is not as much, because I already blew my chance to be valedictorian, but also, it doesn't seem as important in the great scheme of life, now. I mean, who is really going to care whether I was valedictorian or not, except for me, in a few years? No one probably. Alia helped me realize that I was putting way too much pressure on myself, and thank goodness, because I might have ended up in the funny farm, rather than in your arms. :O lol It's funny how the gods like to tease us and throw us a curve ball that we weren't expecting. I'm just glad it was such a nice blessing they threw our way, this time. :)

>>I am so glad I responded to your post

LOL Me, too. Those first couple conversations when you kept trying to get me interested in DaMarco, and I just wanted to know more about you, you were getting on my nerves! lol I just kep thinking, shut up about DaMarco and tell me more about YOU! lol It's hard for me to believe that girls weren't just falling over themselves to get your attention, but I guess I lucked out. :) yay! lol
>once we have children I could stay at
>home with them while you work until they are in

That is so sweet! Of course, if that's what you want, then that's what you should do. :)

>To be honest, my dream job is to work in a
>record store. I like music and helping other sims find
>that perfect album. Maybe one day I could open my own
>record store-wouldn't that be cool?

Oh, I love music. That's why I want to act in musicals and broadway-type plays. I love to sing. See? We are made for each other. lol I think that would be marvelous to open a record store. Great idea!
>That's a good plan, so basically have as many children
>as we want whenever we desire. Should we have a limit?

How can we limit the gods? I think, when we stop wanting children, is when I will most likely stop being able to have them. *shrug* It's just the way it is. We will have as many as we can care for at a time, so like 4-6 children. Just so long as we can give them the attention they need and can care for them. Then, when some go off to college and if we spin up the want for another child, then we can make more meembuj. We can just play it by ear. (Wait a minute, I just realized, you have twins in your family? Wow! lol Doesn't that mean that we could, and probably would, have twins, too? I don't know how that works. lol)

>Thankfully aging is done differently
>here in Apple Valley. Children have four simdays in
>that timespan, teens have four simdays, young adults
>have four simdays (if teens do not go to college, they
>have eight simday in thier timespan),

This makes me so sad! How long are the babies and toddlers in their ages? How do the children have time to make lots of friends and build their skills up to prepare them for college and teen eyars? How do the teens have time to build relationships, date and get their scholarships? How can a ya go to college in four simdays! Wow! It takes me 3-4 simdays just to get through one semester. lol I do not understand this, but I will do whatever it is the custom to do in your hood. I can understand the reasons, though. That I really do understand, because sometimes it seems to take a really long time. My Matri complains about being old all the time. She had a very good life, so she is living much longer than her friends, who have almost all died already. I know she would like to go be with Peri in the netherworlds. But, don't sims miss having that extra time with the imishaj (children)?
>I could ask my aunt about the scholarship fund that my
>great-great-grandfather started for Needy Sims.
That is a very nice thing for your great-great-peri to do. I will be so happy when I can do something like that for the sims of Sokitumi. :) But, you don't have to ask on my mazij behalf. It's just something special that I would like to do if I am able. Just a goal that I want to reach.
>Yea, my extended family is pretty big-my mom and dad
>might even be distantly related-but really far down of
>course. That's one reason why the current Hood
>President laxed the immigration laws, the hood was
>becoming too intergrated and he wanted new blood and
>genes to be added to the mix.

Ooh. Do your neighborhood's sims marry the townies?
You are going to be so busy!
>When is graduation? How is school going?

I keep forgetting to ask. lol I will ask on my next simday and I'll let you know.
>Yes, it is good that the park is nearby. I remember
>for our child birthdays-mom and dad didn't have much
>money so they took us to the park. We'd play on the
>swings, play chess and darts and tag and mom would
>make hot dogs and dad would light the bonfire.

Aww! That is so sweet! What good memories. Our mulilan would usually go on a hike into the mountains. There are all kinds of ancient temples and shrines there, so we could make sacrifices to the gods on our birthdays. And then, we would shimmy up the trees to pick pomegranates, bananas and other fruit. One of our favorite games was to try to catch a monkey, so we'd play that, too. lol Of course, we never could. They're extremely fast and alot better in the trees than we are. lol
>Do swimming pools count as water? :P

Lol I guess they do. :)
>*blush* *red face*

I embarrassed you?! ROTFL! That is so cute!
>Be careful not to work too hard-ok? You still have

LOL Yes, I meant after school. I actually don't have classes on Saturdays, but I had a meeting with one of my professors this morning to talk to her about some literature that I didn't understand. So, she explained it very well to me. She's my favorite professor, because she's sucha good teacher and when I first came here, she told me anytime I needed extra help, to just let her know, and she's always kept her word on that.

Right back to you. I'm blowing you a kiss!

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Re: NicoleLyndon07:03:17 01/15/06 Sun

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