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Date Posted: 20:49:18 08/14/06 Mon

Join Our Christmas Club !
You have probably tried other Christmas Clubs:
Credit Unions have Christmas Clubs
Banks have Christmas Clubs
No one has a Christmas Club Like YOURS

How was last Christmas? Many people are still paying off the credit purchases. Did you get your spouse, kids parents and others everything you wanted to for Christmas? Was there enough money to go around?

Well, this year can be different if you want it to be. By special invitation only, you are invited to join our Christmas Club. Like no other Christmas Club, this one is funded with “OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY”.

You could virtually have Christmas all year round with this opportunity. And the next Christmas could be the best ever with thousands of dollars to spend on family, friends and yourself.

This is not the save your TAIL all year for $500, Christmas Club. This is not a GET RICH QUICK SCHEME. If you’ve done these, now it’s time to try something that really works. How would you like to accumulate extra money every month, year after year and all of it tax free? We would like to invite you to join a very special group of people in our Christmas Club and have the kind of money you have been seeking. With the help of our club members this is possible. We all have made the commitment to do whatever we have to do – as long as it is ethical, honest and legal – to make tremendous gains together in the years ahead.

We can all make money quietly and privately in comfort. You will not get rich overnight. By keeping it among our private club members, we can all prosper quietly in the coming months and years without drawing unnecessary attention to our confidential strategies or ourselves. We will show you how to use our unique, controlled, and honest program to put you in the comfortable lifestyle you desire.

We will show you just how easy and powerful this program really is. Your tax-free money will come to you in increments of $5.00.

To enjoy the benefits of our private Christmas Club all you have to do to get started right away as a new member: Send a $5.00 CASH Christmas gift and a copy of this circular to each person on the list below and wish them a Merry Christmas (that’s a gift and soon you will be receiving your gifts). ALSO SEND $5.00 CASH AND A COPY OF THIS CIRCULAR TO THE MONITOR. This is monitored to ensure it’s integrity and your rotation on the list. The Monitor WILL contact any one person on the list to verify that you have sent your Christmas gift of $5.00. ONCE YOU GET THIS STARTED, YOU COULDN’T STOP IT IF YOU TRIED!!!

Then a MASTER COPY (C/R camera ready) with your name at the top of the list will be mailed to you by First Class mail. All you need to do then is make copies and send them out. You don’t have to do MASS MAILINGS, however the more you mail the more money you will make. Let me show you a 5 x 5 example. Let’s say that you invite enough just to get 5 new members and assuming that everyone just duplicates your efforts. As your name moves down the list here’s an example of your potential income.

MONITOR: Jerry Hayes 11 South Lakeridge Dr Orchard Park, NY 14127
QUESTIONS: jhayes3@yahoo.com


1. Glen Bosch 1509 NE 3rd. St. Madison, SD. 57042
2. THG P.O. Box 872 East Aurora, NY 14052
3. Kenneth Miles 6708 N 12th St. Philadelphia, PA 19126

Good Luck and may you be blessed beyond your wildest dreams

NAME: ___________________________________________ADDRESS: _____________________________________________

CITY: ____________________________________________STATE:___________________ ZIP: _________________________

Please send my Master Copy for mailing with me in position # 1. I have sent $5.00 to everyone on the list and also $5.00 to the MONITOR.
“You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

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