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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 20, 12:42:01pm
Author: Division Staff
Subject: General Griffin resigns

Gentleman, here is a letter from Mark Griffin, please read and feel free to contact him and wish him well. At this time Tom Stuart will be the acting general of the MVB. .

Mike Moore, FCD commander

Gen. Moore, Friends:

Attached please find my formal letter of resignation from the FCD, MVB and leadership, in general. Its contents adequately explain the reasons for this extraordinarily difficult decision.

You men have been an entresol part of my life for many years which makes this a very sad but necessary event for me. I would simply like to say how very proud I have been of all of you and how honored I have been to be your leader. All of those times I gave the expression “I love you men!”, I very truly meant it. I thank you for taking the challenge of being the best to action. I have learned what a rare courage this is in our hobby. The lust for power and popularity have caused so many to be limp in their principles. Not so with you. With tears I give you thanks for that.

It is the truth, the Lord as my witness, that there are no others with whom I would rather storm a beach or fight against an enemy in real warfare. You are my brothers and I just want you to know how much I love you all. I give God praise and thanks for allowing me to speak into your lives. I pray that it blesses you forever.


Mark Griffin

Mississippi Valley Brigade

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