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Date Posted: 06:48:04 04/12/05 Tue
Author: No name
Subject: Lacey Productions 2005 Showcases Win Fees OFF!

<center></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.laceysproductions.com"><img src="http://www.jtbphotography.com/banners/Lacey2005.jpg">
<FONT SIZE="8" FACE="Calligraph421 BT" COLOR=blue><MARQUEE WIDTH=100% BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE >~*~Lacey Productions 2005 Showcases!!~*~
</a><center><br></FONT><font size="8"><font color=black> WESTERN STATES SHOWCASE
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> May 22-22, 2005
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=blue> Laughlin, NV
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Royal Beauty Supreme Winners receive $500 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Model Winners receive $200 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Talent Winners receive $200 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Photogenic Winners receive $200 Cash
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 8 Age Division Winners
</a><center><br></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> Vendors Attending:
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:frog65duck@aol.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Marcy Stoehr for hair/makeup/tanning/nails
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:khulsey@bak.rr.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Kimberley/Christina Hulsey for hair/makeup
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:crazedmmm@yahoo.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Miss Nicki Burton for hair/makeup
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
</a><center><br></FONT><font size="8"><font color=black> GRAND NATIONAL SHOWCASE
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> October 28-30, 2005
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=blue> Las Vegas, NV
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Royal Beauty Supreme Winners receive $1,000 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Model Winners receive $300 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Talent Winners receive $300 Cash!
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 3 Ultimate Supreme Photogenic Winners receive $300 Cash
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> 8 Age Division Winners
</a><center></FONT><font size="5"><font color=black> Hair/Makeup Vendors Attending:
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:thepowercompany1@aol.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Michael Butler
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:frog65duck@aol.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Marcy & Sandy & Delaney
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:khulsey@bak.rr.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Kimberley/Christina Hulsey
</a><center></FONT><br><font size="5"><font color=black> Tanning & Nail Vendors Attending:
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:frog65duckaol.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Marcy Stoehr
</a><center></FONT><br><font size="5"><font color=black> Photo Shoots:
</a><center></FONT></FONT><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:jtbphoto@yahoo.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> JTB Photography (printing onsite to compete with!!!)
</a><center></FONT><br><font size="5"><font color=black> Click the banner to check out our website for Guest Book Drawings & Photo Contests to receive your entry FREE!!!
</a><center></FONT></FONT><br><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:lacey_photo@yahoo.com"><font size="5"><font color=black> Call Shirley at (760)-245-4950 or email lacey_photo@yahoo.com to enter today!!

<FONT SIZE="8" FACE="Calligraph421 BT" COLOR=blue><MARQUEE WIDTH=100% BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE >~*~Lacey Productions Photo Contest!!~*~
</MARQUEE></FONT><br><center><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="mailto:lacey_photo@yahoo.com">
<img src="http://www.jtbphotography.com/banners/Lacey/LPC.jpg"></a></FONT><center>
</FONT><font size="5"> <font color=green> <center> * <font color=red> 5 Photos for $40!!! <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"> <font color=green> <center> * <font color=red> 7 Monthly Contests before Nationals <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green> <center> * <font color=red> Monthly Winners <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> 1 Grand Supreme wins $400 off the Supreme Package <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> 3 Supremes win 2 Photo Categories FREE <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> (2-5, 6-11, 12 & Up) <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> 7 Division Winners receive Front Cover FREE <font color=greenk>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color! =red> (2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19 & Up) <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> ********** <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> Ultimate Grand Supreme <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> October 1st we will pick 1 winner from the 7 Monthly Contest Winners <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=green><center> * <font color=red> The Ultimate Grand Supreme receives an additional $300 off to make the Supreme Package FREE <font color=green>*</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=blue><center> * Click banner to email your photos today! *</FONT><br><center>
</FONT><font size="5"><font color=blue><center> * Paypal fees to lacey_photo@yahoo.com ! *</FONT><br><center>

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