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Date Posted: 17:27:04 20/04/08 Sun
Author: Peter Hackling
Subject: Re: pontywaun
In reply to: m j cook 's message, "pontywaun" on 10:52:48 07/12/06 Thu

I have been told that Pontywaun was derived from Bridge over the Meadow, but of course the P.O. had Pontywain written on the window. In the list of shops dont forget Mrs McNaughtons in North Rd (not sure of spelling) and Tom Lanes opposite Cooks. I have a photograph of the women of Pontywaun and Cwmcarn circa 59/60 on an Oxford House trip with Amy Cook included. (If anyone wants to contact my email address) I believe I also had a photo of Henry Pillenger sat on Cooks shop window sill in the Sixties. Henry was a Japanese POW who should be remembered for what he suffered for us.
Peter H

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[> [> Re: pontywaun -- Rosemary Anita Riddle (Can you help in any way), 03:08:54 23/11/13 Sat [1]

Hello from New Zealand my sister and I are trying to get our family history roots together so to speak when we were very young during the war we lived according to our identity cards in those days at number 92 Twyncarn Road Pontywaun Crosskeys in those days it was a row of coal miners cottages. I lived there until I was five. I have looked on Google Maps UK and cannot seem to find a number 92 as an address only 82. Is there any way I can find out if there ever was a number 92 Twyncarn Road do you think? maybe it was pulled down. I saw your contact on the Pontywyn Forum and thought you might be able to direct me somewhere to find out. We are trying to get some history together on our family. My grandfather was Welch and our maiden name was Owen - Kind Regards and don't worry if you don't have time I can quite understand especially at this time of year! Rosemary Riddle

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