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Date Posted: 21:47:41 04/13/07 Fri
Author: Travis

She just might get you lost
And she just might leave you torn
But she just might save your soul

He felt like he had gone to bed around Christmastime and woken up to spring. All of a sudden he was sitting out on the back porch of the almost completely empty house, comfortable in just a long-sleeved black tee, watching as the clouds opened up to let out a relentless rain that felt like it would never end, but then it did - just as quickly as it had started it stopped, and then started again moments later. He loved spring showers - always found them easier to appreciate because he knew they wouldn't usually last longer than a few minutes. The best part of spring though was sitting outside at night and not having to wear a damn parka. He even had a cold beer in hand, and was slouched down into an old rocker with his long legs stretched out and crossed at his ankles. He loved his apartment, but he wished that he had a good balcony with a cover so that he could sit out in the rain like this. The floor-to-ceiling glass walls that looked out over the rest of the downtown were nice too, of course, but he just didn't feel like being inside right now - he found that melancholy was much more easily nursed when he was surrounded by the sound of the rain and could feel the dampness in the air. This was why he was hanging out at the "kids'" house on a Friday evening when there wasn't even anyone around. He had been half-hoping to find Camryn here when he arrived, but she wasn't around and he had settled himself into the chair out there before thinking to grab a phone so he could maybe give her a call. He was an artist in most stereotypical senses of the title and somedays - like today - he just ended up feeling a little bit pensive, even a little bit sorry for himself...

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