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Date Posted: Fri, Mar 19 2004, 10:19:20
Author: Tommo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Against all odds

I have read Ian Geary's comments in Rugby Times over the past month or so, and would like to say what a fine job I feel he, and the Manchester players have done this season, with little or no support from their owners, who evidently could not care less what happens to a club with a rich and proud history as one of the earliest clubs in the country. The Coaches and playing squad have fought admirably to perform as well as they have, without any financial backing. One can too easily form judgments from a league table, but as a fan I am proud of everybodies efforts. Director of Rugby Ian Geary knew from the outset that Manchester could not survive as the 'have nots' of Division 1. With that commitment and desire this club will not die...on the pitch at least. What happens 'upstairs' may be a different story. I doubt the prawn sandwich brigade even read these messages...so perhaps we should let them know what we think next home game.

Does anybody know what will happen? Is there a longterm plan? Could Sale Sharks incorporate the club into its development structure?

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