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Subject: Re: Karin Salerno

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Date Posted: 22:50:10 09/01/07 Sat
In reply to: Lina 's message, "Re: Karin Salerno" on 13:56:25 08/30/07 Thu

Thank you, Lina. I had forgotten Karin was married to Paul and I saw them both at my 20 year reunion back in 1992. I always had a problem remembering which one was Kathi and which was Karin and I probably confused some people on this board when I mentioned I saw a Kathy Salerno from Eastchester had written on the website "Yankee Pot Roast" in March 2007. (Karin died March 14, 2006) Once you reminded me Karin's last name was Ranellone I found her obituary in the Journal News and it cleared up my confusion. It said she was survived by her stepmother Diane and several stepsisters, one of whom is named Kathi. Although she spelled it with a Y in Yankee Pot Roast, it is apparantly the step sister who is doing the writing. Because I did not know that, I was confused when I saw a Kathy Salerno was writing in 2007 because the Kathi Salerno I knew from school had passed away many years ago. Add that to the fact I often mixed up their names left me not knowing what to think. Thankfully that has been cleared up. The only thing I can think of in regards to the e mail that was found under Karin Salerno's name is it may be an old web page which was not updated after Karin passed away. I'm sorry I didn't know about it sooner as I would have sent condolences to Paul and their children. I am grateful however, that I had the chance to thank Karin for her kindness regarding something she did for me back in 1971. Although I did not know her very well like some of the other people on this board I think it's safe to say there's another angel wearing the Eastchester High School colors in heaven.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Karin SalernoAnonymous09:35:17 09/02/07 Sun
Re: Karin SalernoAnonymous03:07:40 09/06/07 Thu

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