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Subject: New Website Comments from A. Fusco

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Date Posted: 11:43:12 06/26/08 Thu

Please post this for me, as I hope you can imagine how frustrated I am and many of our fellow alumni are.

I embarked on the development of the new website more than a year ago. I did so at my own expense to the tune of more than $2K, not to mention the hundred or so hours of my own time.

I asked the school district for volunteers and no one responded. I asked for some master lists of teachers with their subjects. Still no response.

Fellow Alumni made complaints about not being able to get into the site despite my disclaimer on the website and I asked for volunteers....no response.

I need help.

The only way I could think of, to secure the site without having someone manage all of the users and passwords was to create the teacher/subject test for the graduating year of the alumni. I thought it was pretty ingenious. But there is no way that I could possibly spend the time to enter all of that information for the 80 years the school has been around.

I tried to contact the school superintendent, Dr. Terranova. ... got no response.

I contacted Maryellen Byrne. ....got no help.

I tried to reach the GO Advisor (they now call themselves EGO...it figures)... got no response.

I tried to contact the union rep to see if the teachers' union had a digital list of all of the teachers. ...got no response.

I'm running out of ideas. I even asked if perhaps a couple of the students could do the entry as part of a community service project. Are you ready for this? They don't require community service.

My most recent idea is to ask an Eagle Scout candidate to take it up as their project. I don't know who the leaders are, but I would bet with a little digging, I might get somewhere.

But still, I am insanely busy, as you can imagine. I have a consulting business; I am a County Legislator; I am developing software to market; oh! and I have six children and a home that eats 3000 gallons of oil a year....figure out the cost of THAT for next year.

Please get the word out as best you can. Put it on the blogs, blast it to your list, I will meet with a week's notice.

As for webmaster, I will maintain the role, as long as I can get someone to enter the data. After that, as you may recall, each class can manage its own sub-site, complete with banners and all sorts of individual preferences.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.


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Subject Author Date
Re: New Website Comments from A. FuscoAnonymous18:01:04 06/26/08 Thu
Re: New Website Comments from A. FuscoAnonymous21:53:12 06/28/08 Sat
Re: New Website Comments from A. FuscoAnonymous09:51:20 07/08/08 Tue

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