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Date Posted: 20:57:04 06/06/05 Mon
Author: rpm staff
In reply to: motor 's message, "Re: SUNDAY NIGHT RACING" on 18:46:35 05/31/05 Tue

>>Beginning Sunday June 5th, RPM Promotions will be
>>adding 2 new classes to their sunday night program.
>>Stock Mini Stock Class - rules the same as creek
>>county,a nd all creek county cars are welcome.
>>Rim Runners Class - any 4 cylinder front wheel drive
>>car (expept Honda) No aluminum. All cars must remain
>>stock, motor and chassis. All glass must be removed,
>>Stock windshield may stay intact, or replaced with
>>lexan or plexiglass, or left open. May move battery
>>location to behind drivers seat. Stock tires and
>>wheels (steel) Absolutely no antifreeze! Full roll
>>bar behind driver with proper brace behind seat. 2
>>down bars from back of cage to wheel well, or 1/4 inch
>>plate from front of rear wheel well to back of front
>>wheel well. Welded or Bolted.
>>Racing begins at 7:00 p.m. at JRP Speedway, west 51st
>>street next door to the saturday flea market.
>>any questions on rules call Brad at 232-4262
>i like the sunday idea. just not at 7 pm in the
>it used to be earlier on sundays and was home early.
> i have to get up for work on monday morning
I realize a lot of people have to get up early for work on mondays, but ourshows have been running pretty quickly, We needed to move them from the afternoon,due to the heat, One of the kids has suffered from heat exhaustion the previous sunday.

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