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Date Posted: 20:54:50 05/17/05 Tue
Author: Hollywood04
Subject: Re: The rules at Creek County
In reply to: Kim 's message, "Re: The rules at Creek County" on 18:12:28 05/16/05 Mon

>I have read the rules and I do not see the word
>aluminum written anywhere. Just were is it stated? And
>I assume that when you state that all the car body
>should be stock, isn't the motor sappose to be also? I
>know about policies and how they work, the best advice
>that I can give is to state exactly what is intended
>for both the track crew and racers to follow in a
>written form. And for ALL to abide by it.

How long have you been around racing? If you have been involved in racing for any length of time, the "aluminum" body rule is somthing that is just common knowledge. They have never been allowed at most tracks as long as I can remember. And your argument about "shouldn't the motor be stock, also?" has been debated before. If you think that the only motors legal should be the ones that were came out in the cars from the factory, then you wouldn't have any race cars. A lot of the metric cars, camaro's and such, came out with 307's and 305's. If you printed EVERY "understood" rule that's out there....you'd have a rule book about 167 pages long. Should we put the battery in stock location? A lot of cars cam out with one or two core radiators, but you can't run those (most of the time) and keep the car cool. The rule book doesn't say anything about not being allowed to run TWO carbs, so should it be legal? Besides, there's ONE rule that clears up any and all debate. IF THE RULES BOOK DOESN'T SAY YOU CAN, YOU CAN'T. I'm not trying to cut you down or anything...I have the unmost respect for your opinion. There's just certain rules that everyone in racing knows that aren't printed. Aluminum body parts are part of them....

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