Janet Bierer
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Date Posted: 11:00:23 02/08/14 Sat
Have you been thinking of doing another pageant, and don't know which one to choose? Please consider the America's SUPER Pageant!
We'll be awarding up to 7 National titles... as well as crowning an overall winner as the Int'l SUPER Ms. with out amazing RED crown!
* America's SUPER PreTeen - 8-12 yrs
* America's SUPER Teen - 13-18 yrs
* America's SUPER Miss - 19-29 yrs
* America's SUPER Ms. - 30-49
* America's SUPER Mrs. - 30-49
* America's SUPER Classic - 50+ yrs
* America's SUPER Queen - Plus sizes
* Int'l SUPER Ms. - Overall winner and our AMAZING red crown!

The Americas SUPER Pageant is personal development opportunity for women of all ages throughout the United States, and around the world. The delegates who represent titles have beauty, style, poise, intelligence, confidence, and a strong desire to improve the world around them by promoting a personal platform and/or the national platform of Seat Belt Safety. The pageant gives these women the opportunity to advance their personal goals, while acting as a role model to those around them.
The areas of competition are scored equally;
Little Black Dress Introduction - The Parade of Beauties (no dancing) will include Delegates wearing a cocktail dress of their choice, consisting primarily of black, while introducing themselves. Delegates may speak up to 30 seconds to promote themselves & their platforms. Attire should reflect the Delegates personal sense of style. Creative accessories &/or Shoes welcome. Floor length gowns or casual attire are NOT allowed. Judging criteria: Personal Introduction and Personality. Photogenic - Each Delegate must submit one photo for judging. Photo may be color or B/W, and should be no larger than 8x10. Photos may be full length, or Head shots. Photos must be submitted by June 1st. Interview - Delegate Interviews will be conducted on a panel basis. Each Delegate will spend 5 minutes with the judges. Judges will ask questions based primarily upon your Biographical submission, but may include opinion or current event questions. Pant suit or suit dress attire recommended. Judging criteria includes; Personality, Appearance, and Conversation Skills Swimsuit/Athletic Attire - Delegates must provide a swimwear or athletic attire outfit of their choice. Swimsuits may be one or two-piece swim suit (with or without wrap) for competition. Judging criteria: Poise, grace, body proportion, and overall healthy appearance. Swimsuit must be in good taste. No thongs. Delegate may wear hose or sarong. High heels are required, and should be clear or nude in color. Athletic Attire, and should wear appropriate footwear for clothing style. PreTeen do not compete in swimwear or Athletic attire. Evening Gown - Delegates will model an evening gown of their choice. Gowns may be simple or very elaborate, but will not be judged based on monetary value. Judging criteria : Modeling, beauty, grace, poise, and overall elegance.
The America's SUPER Pageant entry fee of $595, with no ad pages requirements or hidden fees. The entry fee includes all areas of the competition and weekend activities, and is a great value for a national pageant experience! We even welcome your family to attend all appearances and rehearsals! We also offer a $100 referral credit when you and a friend or daughter enter together! Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the number below. Be a part of a quality event, with unique regalia, and promote a lifesaving platform in Montana, at the America's SUPER Pageant national finals!
Janet Bierer - Director
America's SUPER Pageant
PreTeen, Teen, Miss, Ms., Mrs., Classic & Queen
☼ Reminding you to "Buckle Up!" ☼
PO Box 2114 / 150 N 4th ST Unit #2114 Hamilton, MT 59840
I hope you'll take a quick moment to watch a short video from last years event here
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