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Date Posted: 16:24:37 03/15/11 Tue
Author: Vinko Rajic
Subject: Telepathy - please help

Telepathic person with no life

I am Telepathic person .
I can exchange voice messages with people using telepathy , I can exchange video with other people,
I can exchange smell and bad and good filings with people around, people can move
muscles on my body from distance and much more.
And all messages from me are transmitted to big number of people so I am a Mental Radio.

I am stalked day and night by dirty sh-it perverts.
Problem is that they turned this to my bitter nightmare.
I am stalked day and night by dirty sh-it perverts.
Nightmare that costs me over 10 Years of my life in poverty and misery and the biggest problem they are
playing making show, show in which I am going through most bizarre and cruel misery.

I do not know how much can it cost to employee someone for 10 Years 15 hours a day.
That make incredible 50 000 working hours , how much can it cost and how
could someone collect such amount of money for such purpose.

1. I am Software developer and i have to focus on my work but he is spending all day long talking to me
15-17 hours a day and he is using tactics of psycho terror, usually used on war prisoners in concentration camps
in Bosnia. He wake me up any time in the night just to psycho break me.

2. Stalking and no privacy. He is stalking on me day and night , in shower, toilet, when doing my
intimacy things and more. He has no respect for privacy. Dirty perverts.

3. He is trying to get me into fight with some people.
Also to create conflict and if it no work then they can pay someone to go more direct on me or to attack on me.
Once they paid some mad alcoholic to attack me, on the next place they arrange people to provoke me.

Is it anyone there who know how to prevent this telepathic terror? Medicine , metal shield or what?

Right, maybe some of students or doctors is interesting to work with me, also make an experiment.
He/She is going to get knowladge about how this work and maybe find something new , and I can maybe
get help in how to protect me of stalkers.
I do not understand how this comunication works, how are brain wawes transmited.
It should be possible to build a room that could protect me of stalkers.

I was thinking that I could be interesting for students / profesors becouse I could be one person
on the Earth than can response to telepathy 100% correct. I never found informations for any other
person that can do it to 100%, some can use it for few percentage of accurancy.

Belive or not I am sure you can get 100% corect transmision with me.
Very soon you can comunicate with me better than using Skype.
Comunication works up to few kilometer.
I hope there is someone that wants to work with me.
If yes send en E-mail, you can easy find me under "telepathy-vinko-rajic.blogspot".

Please help!

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