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Subject: Re: Frankly my dear, I just crapped myself | |
Author: your idol |
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Date Posted: 18:21:04 06/18/05 Sat In reply to: Hairy Pairatesticles 's message, "Frankly my dear, I just crapped myself" on 17:43:11 06/18/05 Sat >Only few have dreamed and only few have dared to do what we are about to do. We are not just making history but the standard of every human being. We as Americans have dreams, like MLK said, dreams that people like me and you will come together and create that feeling everyone wants. The feeling of becoming a true american hero. Well, these olympix are here for just that. Crowds will cheer for their hero to dominate the olympix with only hoping to become the first "Mr. Bonehead Olympia". Good Luck and we await your competition. In the course of human events, rarely does a person >rise above the masses and transcend the boundaries of >what we consider both gifted and exceptional. We see >here today not only one man who is to be deemed a >figure-head of the era, someone who future generations >will strive to emulate, we see...more than one man. A >group, maybe. There's definitely four. At least. > As a representative of the horde, the huddled >masses, and the unexceptional I merely want to express >my appreciation of what you've done here, and share >with you how much you've inspired me. I made wine and >beer in theater, beeatch. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |