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Subject: Re: Shakertrace Wetlands & Miami Whitewater Park

Sam Corbo
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Date Posted: 13:33:09 03/10/01 Sat
In reply to: Casey Tucker 's message, "Shakertrace Wetlands & Miami Whitewater Park" on 13:42:46 03/09/01 Fri

I actually noticed an increase in WC Sparrows at my feeders this year, but then at a NWR that i visit a couple times a year, we only had a couple, when we were expecting a dozen or so at least...
>I took the Ornithology class, that I am a teaching
>assistant for, out to Shakertrace Wetlands & Miami
>Whitewater park in Hamilton county today. It was a
>slow day, most likely due to the cold front that
>dropped temps last night. Nothing really unusual, but
>I'd thought I'd share it at least.
>On a related note. I saw the first White-crowned
>sparrow today that I've seen all year. Has anyone
>else noticed a decrease, or absence, of White-crowned
>Sparrows this winter?
>Common Grackles
>Red-winged Blackbirds
>Eastern Meadowlark
>Song Sparrows
>Field Sparrows
>White-crowned Sparrow
>White-throated Sparrows
>Blue-winged Teal (1 male)
>Green-winged Teal (approx. 1 doz. male & female)
>Common Snipe
>Northern Mockingbird
>Turkey Vultures
>Northern Cardinals (singing on territories)
>Eastern Bluebird
>American Crow
>E. Starlings

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