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Subject: Vilene in Skirt

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Date Posted: 19:38:25 03/15/01 Thu
In reply to: K 's message, "Vilene" on 17:43:53 03/10/01 Sat

I'm using the Irish Threads pattern and also their Vilene. The bodice is all done (Yeah!), now to assemble the skirt.
Should I follow the instructions which say to baste the Vilene to the velvet, sew the panels together, then trim out the Vilene from the seam allowance? Or is there a better way? I read once on another board (www.sewnews.com/bboard) that you should "float" the Vilene within the sewn panel, i.e.: not to do what is mentioned above, but hang or anchor the Vilene with long stitches from the seam allowances into the four corners of the Vilene. (hope this makes sense) Has any one tried this? I made a little sample of two panels and put the Vilene in following the Irish Threads instructions, and the "skirt" popped so the seam would have been close to the imaginary body and the panels went outwards like wings! Help. What method have you found works the best?

-I baste the vilene. I've tried many methods and this is the one that I have found the most reliable, at least for me. Every seamstress has their own little quirks, so hopefully you will find what works best for you

--(OP)Could you please explain more fully? Do you mean you would follow the instructions from Irish Threads, or ??

---I basically follow the Irish Threads instructions, however I only baste in 1 layer of vilene. The second layer I trim inside the seam allowance and fuse it to the first layer. Irish dancer's catalogue also has a fusible stiffener that I have tried for this second layer. I hand baste the bodice to the skirt. I also use a dressmakers form to check the hang sometimes.

-I hand baste the second layer of Vilene to the first layer of Vilene then trim the second layer of Vilene's seam allowance to just inside that of the first layer of Vilene's seam allowance. That way only one layer is caught in the seam. I only do two layers of Vilene on the two front (split skirt)panels of velvet, or the center box panel in velvet. I put one layer of Vilene in the two inside side kick panels (the ones only in satin) and the the next to side panels of velvet.e skirt and I have not put any Vilene in the whole back side of the skirt. You can use another interfacing that is not nearly as stiff. This prevents the Pippy Longstocking look (wings at the hips or the Bustle look (big derier look) completly and has worked successfully for me. Not to mention that the dancer and actually sit down in the dress without folding the Vilene into an odd shape in the back.

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[> [> Subject: Informative website

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Date Posted: 13:09:56 09/20/01 Thu

In my neverending search for supplies I came across this website, www.vilene.com.

-The site is an overview of the companies products . You cannot purchase from them. The qualities that suit Irish dance dresses are available in only 120 to 150 yard rolls through wholesalers most of who sell to business only

--Yes it is an overview of the product/company, however they do list (under countries) places that carry it. Yes it is a wholesale company, but many on this board may have their resale certificates, thus they are able to buy at wholesale prices. Also, IMHO it's always nice to find out about a product you use.

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