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Subject: Update your Dress

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Date Posted: 20:16:13 03/15/01 Thu
In reply to: 's message, "Updating Used Dress & Redo Cape" on 12:28:58 03/15/01 Thu

I was at a feis this weekend, and I got quite a few rude comments on my dress. I have my solo, but it is somewhat old. It is kelly green and lime underneath. It is embroidered in a very simple design with my family name on the cape. There is a split pleat in front and it is made of velvet. I have to admit I got the dress (as a 2nd hand) 3 years ago. I am not ready to get a new dress, and my mom has no time right now to sew one. For now, is there any way that I can update it at all? I have some experience sewing but not enough to make a whole new dress. I wouldn't be afraid to try something small. I was wondering if I made a two shoulder cape would that help? Also adding rhinestones? If you really think that I should just wait and not spend the money on this dress, please let me know all your ideas! I don't plan to keep this dress for more than a few months, though.

-A square shawl might help, but a better idea might be to change the sleeves. You could do something with sequins, lace, or a fabric to match some of the embroidery. Do you still have a cuff that you could attach? If you do remove the sleeves, keep them intact so that you can use them as a pattern for the new ones.

-I agree, the easiest way is to change the sleeves. There is one dancer I have seen from another school who has changed hers 3 times. Confetti dot fabric will definitely brighten it up. Also, if the dress doesn't already have rhinestones, add some. They can be glued on with drycleanable jewel glue. Another thing you can do is to hand stitch some attractive cording along the collar and seams of a princess bodice. All this can be done pretty inexpensively. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

-Believe it or not, it's already done. The sleeves look great! My mom's friend who is an amazing seamstress also made a new cape (2 shoulder). The dress looks so much different that I can't believe it. Also, some of the "pretend" rhinestones were added. I am so thankful for all your suggestions, I will definitly visit your new board!

-You could also add an overlay type yoke if the embroidery on the bodice would accomodate it. Perhaps a lace, hologram or glitter ball fabric outlined with a color from the embroidery.

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