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Subject: Pfaff 7530 and a Husquavarna Designer 1 or 2

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Date Posted: 13:17:24 09/20/01 Thu
In reply to: K 's message, "Machines" on 15:50:23 03/10/01 Sat

I have been shopping around for an embroidery machine for the past couple of months and have narrowed it down to a Pfaff 7530 and a Husquavarna Designer 1 or 2. I like the Pfaff for the wide stitches, and dual feed. I hear that the fact that you can't release the pressure of the presser foot could cause problems. I like that on the Husquavarna, you can reduce pressure on the foot, but this machine doesn't do the wider stitches. What do you use? Do you have any other suggestions or comments? I need a machine that can do a good satin stitch, and am not interested in all the "extras" that come with many embroidery machines. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

-Well, I guess I am a little biased, but I own 2 of the Designer 1 machines. Since I make custom costumes for dance as well as the theater, I decided on this machine as I have been able to go to the internet to upgrade the machine as it is all done with the use of a floppy disk. If you are not interested in the embroidery aspect of the machine, they do have the Designer 2 which has all the same sewing features, sensor lift, adjustable foot pressure, plus if you want, you can purchase the embroidery unit at a later date. The embroidery unit is the same as the Designer 1, but uses a *smart card* instead of a floppy disk. You can also set the machine up with the stitches you will use. I compared the *other brands* to the Husqvarna Viking and found that it sewed circles around the others. The Husqvarna Viking has some 9mm stitches - but mainly for crazy quilting. The 9mm Satin stitch on the home sewing machined tends to tunnel a little because of the extreme width. I think this is why the other companies have not made this a feature.

-I have the Pfaff and love it. There is a foot you can buy that leaves the work area of the needle wide open. I think it's called open toe applique 9mm foot. It helps to relieve the pressure on the presser foot problem. Most of the dresses I do are silk, so there isn't quite as much bulk going under the foot either. When I do make velvet dresses, I have been able to get through all the layers in the pleats, but sometimes I have to turn the wheel by hand. Unless you have a big commercial machine, I think that will be the case.

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[> Subject: Dress Forms

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Date Posted: 13:41:58 10/11/01 Thu

I found out that Dritz (the only cheap form)discontinued making the child size form and I haven't been able to find someone in the states who has any left. I've found forms priced anywhere from $200-500. I really don't want to spend that kind of $ right now since I'm only working on my first dress.

-Try going to the following, they have dressforms for $119 that you can order on line--three different brands


--I'm really looking for a children's size 8-12. The one's they sell at the store aren't small enough.

---I use the Dritz My Double Petite and made a child's 10-12 dress. There's not much of a bust on it, so it worked well, and it adjusts to larger sizes. I got mine at Joann's on sale for $99.

-I got a great one on Ebay a number of months back. Sometimes they're on there and I think I paid around $80.00 for it.

-I got one on ebay also for around $70+ shipping.

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