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Subject: Bodice Too Short

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Date Posted: 12:48:23 03/15/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "Bodice" on 12:43:36 03/15/02 Fri

Is there any way I can rescue a real screw up? Somehow I ended up with a bodice that is one inch too short for my daughter's dress. Short of buying new velvet and re-embroidering the bodice (it's done by hand), is there ANYTHING I can do? I'm so discouraged.

-You could do a belt-like insert that goes completely around the bodice and attaches to the skirt. You could even embroider it with some knotwork that ties it to the rest of the design so it doesn't look like you altered an old dress. You probably will never be satisfied with it and kick yourself everytime you see it, but it would buy you some time so you could re-embroider an new bodice and fix it right...

-You can also add length at the top by putting a yoke on the dress. Something that coordinates with the rest of the dress. Perhaps lace-overlay or something along that line. I also have seen the waistband look, but the one I saw looked like they were trying to save a dress that was too small.

-(OP)what I ended up doing.... I had not yet embroidered the cape so I used that to cut out some of the bodice and with my left over velvet, I had enough to cut out the rest. I guess what I'm so bummed about is that I have to re-embroider all that knotwork. :-( Oh well, I have to go and buy some more velvet for another cape now......back to work!!

-Could you square off the old bodice, add a border and stretch and frame the first piece? It wouldn't seem like such a waste then. Or maybe you could cut it down, and appliqué it on her dress bag? What about a pillow?

-I like the dress bag idea, What a neat thought!!!

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[> [> Subject: Extra room in the shoulder area

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Date Posted: 12:49:44 03/15/02 Fri

I seem to keep having a recurring problem that I have not seen posted. I use Pat's fantastic patterns, but on almost every dress bodice, there seems to be extra material above the bust to the shoulders to the sleeve seam. I am curious what I might be doing wrong so that I can have the bodice lay more smoothly. Any help would be great, as I am sure everybody is currently sewing into the wee hours, I don't have the extra time for trial and error!

-I haven't had this problem, but I use shoulder pads in all of my dresses. you can try sloping the shoulders a bit. I have had it both too wide and too narrow, but I don't mind it wide as again I use the shoulder pads and this also allows room for growth.. Also it helps to balance out the dress a bit

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