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Subject: Lame as Skirt Lining

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Date Posted: 13:47:12 03/15/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "Skirt Lining" on 16:46:30 09/15/01 Sat

Was wondering what is used as a backing for tissue lame when it is used to line a skirt. I use Form Flex by HTC to stablize lame that is used for small appliques, but I'm afraid of major puckering if I use it on large expanses of fabric.

-You can still use form flex by HTC for the stabilizing of tissue lame for use as a lining. I would suggest that you do pre shrink the stabilizer first. Just pop it in the washer and let it go through a rinse cycle and spin dry. Then--hang it over a shower curtian rod or whatever to dry. Now--you must pretreat the tissue lame as well. Tissue lame has not only metallic threads, but also nylon threads in the weave. This is why it will melt. You can shrink it one of 2 ways. You can use the steam from a good steam iron to preshrink it. When using this method, you need to hold the iron just off of the surface and give it a shot of steam. I happen to own a steam generator iron and it works great for this. The other way that you can shrink the lame is to seal the ends--either with Seams Great tricot tape, a heat knife, or a zig zag. This is a must as you do not want the fabric to unravel. After finishing the edges, put a wet piece of muslin--about 18 inches by 18 inches, in the dryer with the lame. Set temperature to warm--not hot and tumble until the muslin is dry. the moisture from the muslin will create steam, which in turn will cause the lame to shrink. My preferred method is using the steam from an iron.

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