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Subject: Cutting Capes (fabric type)

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Date Posted: 09:55:01 08/03/02 Sat
In reply to: 's message, "Capes" on 09:46:08 08/03/02 Sat

Our school has designed black velvet capes with satin blacking. How do you cut the capes from the fabric? Straight up and down? On some sort of bias? They are basically triangular capes that run a straight line down the left shoulder, straight across the bottom and angled across the back, pinned at the right waist. Could someone please give rudimentary instructions because we are not professionals by any stretch.

-Most of the school capes you see, are actually a square, folded in half! If you’re making these for alot of dancers you may need to make a few standard sizes. The cape should not touch your border design. Once you decide on the length cut a square from your velvet to that measurement then lay it right sides together on your satin and cut out. Sew around each side leaving a 4-6" opening for turning. Turn to right side, press lightly and slip stitch the opening. If you use a lightweight satin, it may be best to use an iron on stabilizer. Top stitching the edges is also an option if you find it 'rolls' at the edges! Happy sewing!

-The capes are generally cut with the vertical edge along the straight grain of the fabric, especially when using velvet. Be careful stitching the backing to the front along the slanted edge because it is on the bias and could stretch, preventing the cape from hanging smoothly.

-After cutting on any angle just staystitch 1/8th inch inside the seamline. When you are working on it or sewing it together ...no stretching

-It may be down to the fabric.. if its quite stiff then it probably doesn’t drape very well. But it could also be the shape.. most of the satin capes I’ve seen look like they have been made from a more rectangular piece of fabric, rather than square. The dimensions would affect the way it sits, and the over-all look.

-You can put 2 or 3 small pleats about 1 1/2 inches down where you pin the cape near the hip, or just fold it over so that it isn't hanging way off to the side.

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