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Subject: Digitizing

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Date Posted: 15:58:21 03/11/01 Sun
In reply to: K 's message, "Designs" on 15:38:20 03/10/01 Sat

I'm considering the possibilities of starting to sew these beauties but I'm getting a little stuck in my research--maybe you guys would be willing to help. Do you all digitize? and what software is easiest to use? Does someone else do the digitizing? What machines do you use--I'm assuming you'd need a high-end commercial embroidery machine, what kind do you recommend.

-I think that many/most people do not use an embroidery machine, except for school dresses. Solo dresses are individual and personal. To have enough designs digitized to make them still seem individual would be a huge expense. I looked into getting a commercial machine, but with the designs becoming more applique than anything else, it did not seem worth it.

-I use a Brother BES-116AC (machine) and the BE-100 (digitizing software) and do all of my own digitizing and that way I get original designs without having to embroider everything by hand. It was expensive to begin with but since I also use it to do embroidered satins for wedding gowns and communion dresses, the machine is almost paid for.

--How many needles does that machine have? Is it the one that does one colour at a time?

---You have to change thread colors but the machine stops after each one.

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[> [> Subject: Digitizing Designs v Applique

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Date Posted: 10:05:38 11/08/04 Mon

I'm curious, how many of you use your embroidery machine to digitize the applique? Which is better, doing the applique by freehand on the machine or letting the machine do the work for you? Does this make any sense? I have purchased a set of designs from Seven Gates and I'm not sure which is the best method to do. Judging by the size of the designs it looks like it would be a nightmare to digitize given the field size of my embroidery machine.

-I timed a class dress - from the get-go including cutting the appliques etc. it took me 12 hours to embroidery it. I turned it over to another seamstress who had the professional embroidery machine, and it also took her 12 hours. Granted, she didn't have to sit at the machine and move the fabric, but even so... and that doesn't count the digitizing - she paid $$$ to somebody else to do that. (and she probably got faster the more she did). I'm not convinced it is the way to go for solos. It takes time to digitize it. You'll have to sew out a couple of samples to make sure it works OK (at least I would have to). Unless the cost of pro machines has come WAY down, I don't see it as cost-effective. Now if you're doing team dress, That's another thing - you'd only have to digitize once and then use it over and over. But I'm not adding in the "cool" factor. It would be soooooo awesome to have one of those things....
-I have a husband who does the digitizing. He digitizes most of the 7 gates designs we use. several have been used more than once so the time was not wasted. The things I add on to personalize a design are not usually digitized as these will only be used on the one dress. He uses Embird.
--I use Embird too...I absolutely love it!!! I wish I would have discovered it before I spent nearly $2000 on my software. Well worth the price.

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