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Subject: Singer 20U & Juki LZ391 & Silicon Dispenser

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Date Posted: 09:44:56 11/08/04 Mon
In reply to: 's message, "Survey of which machines everyone is using" on 21:47:23 03/13/01 Tue

I'm looking for a new machine. If you have any suggestions please help me!!! I've been sewing for about 25 years so I think it's time to take the big plunge!

-I'm renting Singer 20U. Word "industrial" a joke! Sure it's fast, but we can't go fast w/o probs! We've had thread breakage, needles snap, timing gets thrown off, keeping tension correct is real "fun", it doesn't like wide satin stitch, etc. I think I had less frustration w/ my 30 year old home model. Do we expect too much from 20U?....wish there was some other fast mach. for just zigzag. I don't need expensive embroidery features, but a good satin stitch. Glad I'm only renting!
-I am the opposite, have used a 20U for the last 9 years & wouldn’t want any other make, tried a copy but it was awful, original machines are hard to come by now though
-I have a Singer 20U70- and am constantly having problems with the tensions and such. I think it vibrates so much it shakes itself loose- I also think my repair guy doesn't know what he is doing, so I'll be looking for another one. But If your having trouble with thread breakage, try a silicone spray made for the textile industry- spray it on the tread every so often- Works like a dream even with cheap metallic thread!
--Try putting foam strips between the machine and the table. I did that with mine and the noise and vibration decreased considerably.
-I've had a 20UX143 for over 4yrs. now. I can't say how much I value this machine. I suppose just like cars there are lemons. I would ask if those who are having difficulties where the machines were made. My machine was made in Japan and is one of the last few good ones or so I've been told. The only time it ever gave me any difficulties was this past summer and that was due to the timing being off. Even if it is just a bit off it will cause thread breakage and loads of frustration. I have to say that a good OSMG is more valuable than anything else. I use a silicone dispenser located on the top of my machine. The thread runs through it and is continually coated with silicone. This works like a charm especially when sewing at high speeds when the needle heats up.
--was thinking about getting a new 20u. My friend has an older one that I haven't seen yet (She's 500 miles away) she will sell me. Maybe better to get the older one when I visit her in April?
Also, what is the silicone dispenser you were referring to? Sounds like a great idea!
---Go with the older model as long as it was made in Japan. The ones made in Taiwan (I think that is where) apparently are the lemons. The silicone dispenser is a little container with felt pads in it that sits on top of the machine. The thread runs through it as it comes off the spool. The felt pads are saturated with silicone and as the thread passes over them it gets coated with the silicone.
--I'm having a lot of thread breakage on the uptake. It's driving me crazy. How did you go about having it fixed? Did you take it somewhere or have someone come to your home?
---Yes, I had the same problem and I called my OSMG (who by the way is younger than I am LOL) and spoke with him over the phone first. I thought it was a problem with the tension so he had be check the tension discs for burrs of any sort. Next thing was to check all the areas that the thread goes through to make sure there were no burrs causing the thread to shred and break. Finding that this was not the problem and the needle was the proper type and size we decided it best for me to bring the machine in. This was quite easy to do as it should just slip out of the stand. When I brought it in I also brought in thread (metallic & poly neon) along with a large piece of vilene with some base fabric and applique fabric already for him to practice on. The problem was with the timing. I have learned that with my particular machine the tension needs to be a bit tighter with the metallics than the poly.
-I got rid of my new Singer last year; same types of problems. Too hard to keep in adjustment, VERY loud (wore earplugs to sew!), vibrating itself to death, and thread broke all the time. The word from my OSMG is that the ones built after their bankruptcy reorganization are built in China instead of Japan, and are junk. If you can get your hands on an old one from the 60's, grab it! Loving my old Bernina industrial he found for me.
--I had similar problems with my Singer 20U knockoff made in China... My OSMG said it was the bobbin case that was a piece of junk (completely warped) replaced it with a Japanese made bobbin case, announced that the machine is now Japanese made, and I have had no problems since!
-THANKS!!! THANKS!!!! THANKS!!!! Thanks for saving me alot of frustration. I spoke to several people who have Juki's and they just LOVE them. I may as well spend the extra money to be more productive than to be frustrated with a problem machine.

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