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Subject: Machine Embroidery & Seam Work Types Used

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Date Posted: 21:45:27 03/12/01 Mon
In reply to: K 's message, "Machines" on 15:50:23 03/10/01 Sat

What kind of machines do you use to make your dresses?

-I use a Pfaff 463 Industrial for all my seam work, and a Singer 20U Industrial for my satin stitching.

-I have a singer industrial zig zag machine. It is a model 20U33 It does up to a 9mm satin stitch. I have 2 of them, one as a backup. I also have a bernina DC serger, and a Bernina 1630 machine, but is not an embroidery machine. I think unless you are going to do school dresses in quantity, you don't want an embroidery machine. All of my work is done free hand guided. None is computer generated.

-I have two Consew industrials. I don't know the model #s but the one I got used and cheap is a wonderful machine that goes to 13mm. The new one is a pig that skips and will not stitch close together. It goes to 9mm. I use it for straight stitch and backup embroidery. I also have a Janome
Memory Craft domestic and a very basic Singer domestic serger (14 years old and running fine)

-I have a Viking 1+, but I actually made my solo dress using a Babylock that cost about $100 at a JoAnn Fabrics! The poor thing died at the second to last seam, and I finished it on a friend's really old Bernina.

-I use a Brother BES-116AC (machine) and the BE-100 (digitizing software) and do all of my own digitizing and that way I get original designs without having to embroider everything by hand. It was expensive to begin with but since I also use it to do embroidered satins for wedding gowns and communion dresses, the machine is almost paid for.

--How many needles does that machine have? Is it the one that does one colour at a time?

---You have to change thread colors but the machine stops after each one.

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[> Subject: Simple Machine Recommendations

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Date Posted: 21:21:10 03/13/01 Tue

I am going to buy a new sewing machine (hopefully this weekend) because my prehistoric, simple Singer recently kicked the bucket. If you had $300-400 to spend. What kind of machine would you get? Should I just get a standard model of decent quality, or should I look at used reconditioned machines that have more bells and whistles? I am NOT a very experienced sewer, but have sewn some clothes, and crafts and made a SIMPLE Irish dance dress for my daughter. (Hand embroidered--I have never done machine embroidery). I am assuming, that for my price, I won't be looking at machines that can do embroidery, correct? I know some of the machines can do incredible things, but they cost thousands of dollars...I have NO idea where to start...so I will be at the mercy of the sewing machine salesperson.

-If you plan to make another Irish dance dress find a machine without the automatic pressure sensor. You need to be able to release the pressure considerably to stitch down applique pieces. Also look for a wide zigzag stitch. Most models go up to 6mm . Some go to 9mm. I have not looked at the lower price models so I can't recommend one .. Bells and whistles are not necessary. A blind hemstitch is good to have too and decent buttonholes. I have the top of the line Pfaff and can't do a complete dress on it. Look at Bernina and Huskavarna White. The newer Singers are not the quality of the old ones.

-Check out the website www.allbrands.com they have lots of info that might help you to decide. Also try the message board www.sewingworld.com there are lots of sewers on there who can help give you great tips.

-Took the plunge...(OP) I don't have questions this time...I'm just excited and want to tell SOMEONE ... Well...taking my little bit of knowledge (thanks to Pat) and a hope that the saleswoman was a NICE person...I trotted off, and came home with a used Viking, Husqvarna 940. It was in very nice condition, and looks like perhaps the person who owned it didn't use it very much. I thought the price was quite reasonable. It is SOOOO nice to use, has lots of fun stuff like computerized, one button decorative stitching, and lots of presser foots, (feet?)that make sewing soooo much easier. Also, it had all the features that Pat recommended. And certainly is MUCH MUCH easier to sew with than my old machine.

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