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Subject: Tiara pattern

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Date Posted: 12:44:52 03/14/01 Wed
In reply to: K 's message, "Headbands & Tiaras" on 17:46:16 03/10/01 Sat

Are there special patterns to order for an embroidered tiara or does it come with the pattern? I am liking the Irish Threads pattern, and my mum is thinking of getting it, but I really desire an embroidered tiara to go with it. My last solo dress was a simple one made by the Simplicity pattern and I used a silver tiara, but I am sick of that and looking for a change.

-I asked Pat at Irish Threads and she sent me the tiara pattern with my order. It is very easy to make.

--Is it extra money for a tiara pattern?

---No, there was no charge . She said it would soon be printed on the pattern along with bishop sleeves. Also they are adding to the website with some sewing instructions

-If there is someone at your school that has a crown you like, perhaps you could trace the shape and just make one from that. They are really very simple. Sometimes I glue them on a headband and sometimes put elastic on the back. It depends on the dancer's preference.

-I have just made a tiara for my daughter to match her dress, someone lent me a headband to see how it was put together. I made a template for the fabric part and added plenty of stiffener before sewwing it all together. used part of the embroidery from the border on the dress but scaled down using the scanner on the PC. Once the sewing was done and the jewels added I sewed it up with the stifener inside and added a gold and green edging to cover the over sewn edged. Used craft glue to stick it to a bought headband(mock velvet type with the prongs in it)The glue has held really well, as she keeps trying it on and dancing in that as the dress isn't finished yet!!!

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[> Subject: How to Make Headbands

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Date Posted: 14:07:08 03/15/01 Thu

I was wondering how you all make your headbands. I don't love anything I have done and would appreciate any tips or suggestions.

-Here's how I do it, after many attempts. These are the Large headpiece types. I first cut an arch shape, leaving the bottom straight. I then put on whatever decoration on them. Right sides together, I sew the front to a backing piece, leaving bottom open, Turn right side out. Cut piece of vilene to fit and insert it. Then I serge the bottom. Then, hot glue on a headband at bottom. Because the bottom is straight across it goes back at a nice angle. Then I cover the band at the bottom with sequins trim. I also put little elastic loops to bobby pin it to their hair

-Slightly different instructions.... I did the same except I whip stitched the bottom edges together and attached elastic to the ends making it a true headband. It lays a little bit flatter than those mounted on a formed hairband, but that's the style my daughter wanted. I left the bottom absolutely plain but added a row of crystals across the top edge, about 1" apart.

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