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Subject: Same traits as you were talking about this morning

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Date Posted: 19:28:08 10/09/07 Tue

Hi Kellie,

I listened to your diary entry this morning on the way home from dropping my 2 year old daughter off at mother's day out. I just wanted to reach through the radio and hug you. I live in a true state of guilt and worry daily ever since I became a mother.

I never get to watch Oprah, but I just happened to see Jenny Macarthy's interview about her son and autism. As I watched it, I kept thinking, "I am so grateful that I didn't see this/know this a year ago." I would have been freaking out too!!

My sweet girl, Harper, reminds me much of Emma Kellie. Harper did everything late. She did not army crawl until she was almost 10 months old and didn't walk until 14 months. And I too got the "shouldn't you take her to a specialist" comment--not what I needed to hear. She just showed absolutely no desire to become mobile (frankly, enjoy it while it lasts--mobility changes everything!). But, in time, when she decided, she crawled, she walked, and eventually after two years, she worked up the nerve to slide down a slide. When she was very little, she would show excitement through flapping her hands and she had the attention span of a grown woman. Her focus was amazing. It still is. My point is, she is over 2 now and completely normal!! She is loving, very affectionate, extrememly verbal, and I believe, a genius :) But, if I had been watching that Oprah when she was an infant, I would have had all of the same fears that you have now. I would have interpreted all of her quirks and stuborness as signs of a disability; when in truth, they were just signs of my Harper and who she is becoming.

I hope this brings you some comfort. I understand your worry.

I've always enjoyed listening to you on the radio!

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