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Subject: Re: Annoyed

Dora (annoyed)
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Date Posted: 08:46:58 10/10/07 Wed
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "Re: Annoyed" on 07:05:31 10/10/07 Wed

I agree, just because someone is famous doesn't mean you should believe every word that comes out of their mouth. It's just easier to hear what they have to say because they have all that media attention. I trust that Jenny M. has done her research, but I trust that a pediatrician has had more research, education, and experience in dealing with MANY children, not just the one. I'm sure Emma Kelly will be fine, just discuss everything you know with your doctor, and educate yourself, so YOU can be the expert on your child. :)

>I agree 100% There is no proven link between autism
>and vaccines. Since no one knows what causes it "they"
>are just looking for something to blame it on. And
>Kari, sure pediatricians don't know everything but
>they know more than the average person and movie
>stars. They see thousands of kids. There is a big
>window in which kids reach milestones and people
>shouldn't get so worked up about who does what first
>or last. If a child is not reaching those milestone
>way beyond the "normal" time frame then maybe I would
>>First of all, Jenny McCarthy is NOT a doctor! I
>>repeat, she is NOT a doctor. Take what she says to
>>heart but don't assume she is 100% correct. There are
>>tons of studys that show vaccines do not cause autism.
>>Most doctors now days do not use vaccines that contain
>>mercury. I was worried about the whole vaccine/autism
>>link until I spoke to my daughter's pediatrician. She
>>explained to me the whole "rumor" about the
>>vaccine/autism link and that the FDA pulled mercury
>>out of vaccines years ago but some doctors still had
>>old vaccines that contained mercury. I trust in my
>>pediatrician not Jenny McCarthy. If you have questions
>>or concerns, talk it over with your doctor. And
>>Kellie, if it makes you feel any better, male's have a
>>higher rate of developing autism.

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