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Subject: Autism

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Date Posted: 13:07:14 10/11/07 Thu

I too was freaking out when I saw the Jenny Mcarthy special on TV because my daughter does the hand flapping thing. I think us mom's are just natural worriers!! My lil one just turned one Sep. 20th, and everything else she does seems normal to me. I know it is hard, but try not to worry. Busy yourself with planning her first Birthday party!!! Think of how much fun it is going to be. I am sure your doctor will ease your mind when you go to your one year check up. Maybe it is just Emma Kelly being a sweet chunkey monkey that is slowing her down a bit. If you are really concerned about her not meeting her milestones then you could check into that early development intervention program one of the listeners mentioned on the radio. I am sure they might have some tips to try. Just check with your doctor. On a positive note. my little one walks and all that, but she still doesnt say "mama"! You are lucky that your little one talks so much:-) My little girl says "dada" all day long, and I am the one that takes care of her. Go figure:-) I am sure everything will work out fine, think of all you have come through with this little one. She is gonna be a tough one like her mama!

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:-)Re: AutismKelly14:43:07 10/11/07 Thu

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