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Subject: *!* maybe not autism...

jessica marler
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Date Posted: 08:39:56 10/12/07 Fri

Rett Syndrome. my room-mate/friend got a phone call on june 20, 2007 that changed her life forever. Her daughter, Jasmine Skye, was officially diagnosed with Rett Syndrome. shes the youngest in texas thats been diagnosed with this disease. 15-24 months is the average age that parents/pediatrician notices that theres something 'wrong' with their daughter. This disease only affects girls ( i think there are 12 boys on record, nationwide, ever) its a genetic mutation that will cause physical regression- example; she'll hold her bottle early on but will lose the abilty to do so in later months,or she might play peek-a-boo or holda toy early on but lose the abilty later on. thats what happened to jazz, now she has 'restless hands'. another sign is the inabilty to make/keep eye contact and 1 or both eyes may eventually cross. theres so much id like to tell about this disease to help spread awareness , but its so much to write, im not giving her story justice in print-i would love to share her story with you and listeners if i could...or she could-she would love that. there are not many doctors around here that specialize in this disease because of how rare it is so its been a learning experience for all involved. i hope emma is ok, make sure to have blood work done! im not a religous nut by any means, but i will definitly say a little prayer for emma. please call me if you can, or want to, our home # is 972.515.8159, and her cell # is 469-328-6667, her name is Paula. we are always here. thank you , jessica

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