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Subject: Re: relax

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Date Posted: 16:43:43 10/13/07 Sat
In reply to: Paulette 's message, "relax" on 18:50:40 10/11/07 Thu

I am writing in response to "Relax" - I just wanted to let Kelly and other parents know that it is important to be vigilent and aware of your child's development and health. Most parents of children with developmental problems (such as Autism) will tell you that they questioned the doctor regarding their child's development at 12 months, 18 months, and again at 24 months because they felt "something wasn't right" and finally just before 3 years old the doctor is saying, oh, he/she really needs speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc. I don't think everyone should be making themselves or their spouses and children "nuts" but I do give credit to the parents who are aware and do pursue an answer to the "not right" feelings they have.

>Paranoia really will not do you or Emma Kelley any
>good. New parents always worry but you seem a bit
>overboard at times. Even if she does have autism which
>I would be surprised if she does, you are her mother
>and God would give you the strength to handle it. I
>know just by listening to you day in and day out that
>you are a wonderful doting mother. There will be many
>trials you will have to face as a new mother and a
>single mother but God chose you to be her mommy.
>Please try to not worry so much because it will cause
>Emma to grow up and become a worrier seriously, I have
>been there. Just give it to the Lord because he has
>your steps and Emma Kelley's life in his hands. I will
>pray for a great report for you both, put your trust
>in him Kellie, for he cares for you!

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