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Subject: "Live today like no other - so the day will come you can live like no other."

Nizam MD
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Date Posted: 05:30:54 07/08/05 Fri

Today, millions of men and women are failing with their various income opportunities, because they didn't demand excellence. In some cases they themselves are the problem - they are lazy or unwilling to invest time and money in their businesses. However, in many cases, the problem is the income opportunity itself. Many opportunities can't even pass a basic business viability test.

How can so many intelligent people join such companies? When a person is too needy or too greedy, frequently they will unwisely look for a quick fix. That makes them a "sitting duck" for all the hype and exaggeration that is out there.

Solid business principles aren't as exciting as hype, but they pay better. The Founder of Financial Freedom Society, Inc. is a Chartered Financial Consultant with over 30 years of successful business experience...and, while we certainly aren't the only excellent income opportunity, we are one of a very few that can pass the following "Six-Star Business Test".

Highly Respected Company - you can proudly represent
Exceptional Product - you can excitedly recommend to others
Exceptional Pay Plan - to reward you financially
Complete Sales System - to help you succeed
Special Sales Advantages - to give you a marketing advantage
Wonderful Mission - to reward you emotionally

Notice that all six parts of the test measure a company's strength from YOUR perspective. It doesn't matter how successful the company is if it doesn't help you.

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