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Subject: Re: What is 401K Retirement Plan?

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Date Posted: 07:22:06 06/05/07 Tue
In reply to: 401K Expert 's message, "What is 401K Retirement Plan?" on 05:40:04 07/05/05 Tue

>What is a 401k?
>In simple terms, the 401k retirement plan is a trust
>in which employees are allowed to contribute money
>before taxes are assessed. Some employers also provide
>participants with matching funds to the employee's
>401k account as part of their benefits package. The
>employee may have the option of selecting specific
>investment options for the money in their 401k
>account. Besides building retirement funds,
>contributing to your 401k reduces your taxable income
>and helps you keep more of your hard-earned money.
>401ks are widely regarded as an excellent financial
>tool and means of building your pension for retirement.
>Who can participate?
>If your employer offers a retirement plan that
>qualifies under 401k laws and you are a full-time
>employee then you may participate.
>How does it work?
>Generally payments are auto-deducted from your
>paycheck into your retirement account. Your balance is
>invested according to the specifications made when you
>joined the plan. If your employer provides matching
>funds, this part of your account balance may not be
>available for some number of years after which it
>becomes part of your vested balance.
>Your 401k money is not taxed until you withdraw it, so
>if you've retired, you will likely be in a lower tax
>bracket which results in less money going to the tax
>man. Also your money grows faster though the power of
>tax-deferred compounding interest.
>Since 401k contributions are typically made directly
>from your paycheck, saving for retirement is made
>easy. It is even possible to take out a loan against
>your 401k account balance, and the best part is that
>any interest that you would be paying on the loan
>won't go to a bank, it will be deposited into your
>account along with the repaid principal. Be sure that
>you are prepared to leave the money in your 401k
>retirement plan alone, since there is a 10% penalty
>for early withdrawal and you will be liable for the
>deferred income taxes.

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